Tea Ceremony Koto/ Kimono & Tea ceremony A1 minute walk from Golden Pavilion. Authentic Tea Ceremony in Kyoto.

Samurai Experience in Kyoto! Using the REAL KATANA!

Real Samurai Experience in Kyoto!

What kind of image do you have for “Samurai” in Japan?

I know many tourists love to experience “Samurai”, but have you ever seen the authentic one?

Even Japanese, I was surprised to find this authentic Samurai experience using the real sword.

It’s not only the stage show, but you can learn how to use sword and the spirit of Samurai by a professional of Iai-Do (sword-drawing practice).

Form Practice

First of all, you need to learn basic skills to handle Katana with wooden Katana before cutting the Goza mat. With this step, every participants will learn the right posture, form and grip.


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Wield a real Katana (Japanese sword)


After learning the basics, next step is wieldind a real Katana, and cut a Goza mat. You might have seen this kind of show on movie (perhaps on YouTube), putting a Goza mat vertically, and slice the mat.




Zen (meditation)

As a wrap up of this course, all participants learn Zen meditation with Singing Bowl. Singing Bowl is a type of bell which produce sounds that lead to a calm state of mind. Through this meditation, you can learn how to meditate in Zen way, and experience deep meditation with Singing Bowl.

kyoto_samurai_experience_9I think their traditional Japanese large house is also worth watching.

Japanese small garden, Fusuma (traditional door of Japanese house made from paper), and the old gate which seem to have been existed since samurai period…etc They are all interesting!

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Kyoto Samurai Experience


Schedule: 90min ( 10:00 – 11:30 / 13:00 – 14:30 / 15:00 – 16:30 )

Price: 12000 yen


Please write your name, Date, and the number of people.

Bookings are accepted for a minimum of 2 people.

☆Price includes the experience of using real sword (katana),  zen meditation, and wearing kimono.

Official site:  http://kyoto-samurai.com/en/


